Monday, December 14, 2020

Final Blog Post : Impact of Technology

    As time progresses, it is inevitable that things start to change. We as a society are constantly faced with innovation and can't seem to catch a break. This is a good thing and can be a bad thing too. We can all admit that times were different back then. The way people acted was even different. Efficiency was different. Suicide rates were different. These are just to name a few. Whether we like it or not, we have to be able to adapt to change no matter how big or small. It's crazy to think about how someone born in the 1930s doesn't know how to work or type on a computer as fast as someone born in the 2000s. Typing this very blog would have been done through a typewriter back then and now I'm just typing keys without a worry about a mistake because I have the ability to hit the delete button. Not to mention, I have everything at the power of my fingertips. My point being, things have changed so much where it forces our society to change as a whole. The way things are done now are so different than they were once done and it's not our fault. 

    As previously mentioned, the good thing about change is that it can lead to more efficiency and productivity. That goes a long way in a world where information is the leading advantage. In today's age, technology is not a separate entity, it is apart of us. We have a relationship with technology and we will never break up with it. The question left to answer is, is it a toxic relationship? Is it healthy to always be surrounded by technology every single day of lives? Today, you're viewed as weird or "not with it" if you don't have a cell phone in middle school. Having tech implemented into your lifestyle at such a young age leaves you with no choice but to accept it into your life as a "must-have". In my opinion, the truth of the matter is that we spend way too much time with technology than we do with our loved ones. Some people may be different but the majority if Americans at least don't appreciate the moment and would rather capture it in picture on their cellphones. It's actually really sad that some people can't even enjoy others company at a dinner without being on their mobile devices. If you look at dates that occurred back then compared to dates that happen now, you'd see a dramatic difference. On the contrary, technology is a great tool to further your education and better yourself, but only if used correctly. It's crucial that you return back to your roots and appreciate the moment and what you have around you because when things get ugly and you lose a loved one, technology can't bring them back. 

From a personal standpoint, technology was a big part of my life growing up in generation Z. However, I had my first phone in 8th grade, the first piece of tech that I could call mine. Now, my sister has children and they already have Ipads and tablets to play with and watch their TV shows on.

They also use it as a learning device where I had strictly books and group exercises. Throughout my early education, my school used projectors that were reflecting plastic sheets that my teachers were able to write on. Who knows what the next generation will be using. 

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