Monday, December 14, 2020

Post #1; 5 sources

1. CNBC:

    One of the best sources I always refer to for breaking news related to business is CBNC. They are able to get updates faster than any other business application and their analysts are well educated, logical people. This allows for accurate information to be published so that there is no fake or fraudulent content, in terms of financial information. Additionally, their website and mobile app make it easy to navigate almost anything you need or are looking for. 

2. Market Watch:

    Another great source for financial news is MarketWatch. Their platform offers analytical insight on almost any major publicly-traded company, allowing for investors to confidently make decisions for their desired investment. Similar to CNBC, MarketWatch offers great stock market data and business news on virtually any company that is publicly-traded. Furthermore, the cover news in the foreign exchange markets as well as futures. 

3. Yahoo Finance:

    Considering yahoo is an internationally used search engine, it contains a lot of information that can be useful for anyone looking to better themselves or further their education. A search bar is a powerful tool, especially on this website. You can navigate any information from investments to home mortgage rates.

4. Barrons:

    Barrons is yet another great source for financial news. I use this site to compare the data that they give me with what other sites publish. It's always good to have multiple sources so you can see different perspectives on the subject. People can also post on the website to give their personal opinion on the topic which is also helpful. 

5. Wall Street Journal:

    The Wall Street Journal is constantly being updated with the latest news articles relating to big impactful events. Because the stock market is affected by numerous external factors, it is important to know as much as possible about the latest news. One story or write up could change the direction of stock even if everything else is suggesting a certain direction. WSJ is a great source to get the background on any major story.

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